Providence, Rhode Island
May 11-16, 2015
Host: John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities at Brown University
Sites: 5/11: David Winton Bell Gallery, 5/12 & 5/13:Olneyville Library, 5/14: Knight Memorial Library on Elmwood, 5/15: AS220 FOO(D), 5/16: WaterFire
MMoAA collaborated with four graduate students through the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities to do a week-long residency throughout Providence. Graduate students included Bárbara Elmudesi, MA Candidate Public Humanities '16, Caroline Stevens, MA Candidate Public Humanities '16, Kathleen Haughey, PhD Candidate Ethnomusicology ‘18, and Nico Larrondo, MA Candidate Public Humanities ‘16.
Laurelin and the Public Humanities graduate students outside the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities.