Taos, New Mexico

April 1-30, 2018

Host: The Paseo Project, supported by the LOR Foundation. 

Week 1
Friday, April 6, 4-6pm, Taos Center for the Arts, Water is Community Installation Opening
Sunday, April 8, 7pm, Taos Center for the Arts, Pecha Kucha Night Taos

Week 2
Tuesday, April 10, 12-3pm, Questa Library
Wednesday, April 11, 11am-2pm, Ancianos Senior Center
Thursday, April 12, 11:30am-2pm, Taos Plaza
Saturday, April 14, 12-2pm, Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership / KNCE live remote

Week 3
Sunday, April 15, 11am-2pm, Peñasco Theater
Wednesday, April 18, 11-2pm, Ancianos Senior Center
Wednesday, April 18, 5pm, Men’s Homeless Shelter
Thursday, April 19, 2-5pm, Questa Library
Friday, April 20, 1-2pm, Taos Retirement Village

Week 4
Sunday, April 22, 12-3pm, Millicent Rogers Museum
Wednesday, April 25 Enos Garcia Elementary (classroom event)
Thursday, April 26 Taos Integrated School of the Arts (TISA classroom event)
Friday, April 27, 11am-1pm, University of New Mexico, Taos, Klauer Campus
Saturday, April 28 12-4pm, Enos Garcia Elementary Gymnasium, Invent Event
Sunday, April 29 12-3pm, Harwood Museum of Art, Closing Day with Artist Talk at 3pm

Artifact Donations: 20 (Why Marriage Matters, Origami Bird, Cut Gutter Pipe, Black Roller Skates, Pitcher, Calabacita Seeds, Dog Tag Necklace Commemorating the 1993 Lesbian and Gay March on Washington, One Dollar Bill, Last Vegas, NM Photos, Civil Defense Dosimeter, Spots the Penguin, Flying Dancer Angel, Clear Sunglasses, Supplement Box, Elegante Hotel Chapstick, Curandera’s Bowl, Necklace From a Traveler, First Tool Belt, Meeko, Pickup Truck Marigolds)




AuthorLaurelin Kruse